Love Period Season 2 Episode 4- Yoni Detox
Love Period Season 2 Episode 4 Yoni Detox
Instagram:Perkysexycool & PerkyPerspectives
Twitter: Toni_tonytone and /theloveperiodproject
Email:[email protected]
Have you ever wondered how you could cure your PH issues from home?
Hey this is Perky of Perky Perspectives. Hope everyone has been enjoying this Love Period journey with me. I would like to ask you to support my Patreon campaign at With you support I hope to become more mobile with my podcast and eventually hold events and be able to start providing more period products to young girls and women. And support women creating more products and opportunities for women (Period). I will be ending the first season soon, but I have behind the scenes video, photos, and live streams on my patreon page. and Follow me Website: Instagram:Perkysexycool & PerkyPerspectives Twitter: Toni_tonytone and /theloveperiodproject Email:[email protected]
Today's Topic: Yoni Detox! There are different ways to detox your vagina which can include yoni pearls and yoni steams. Love Period LLC is working to provide both products as well as underwear, and more. Love Period LLC also is working with the Be Prepared Period organization that assists with making period products available to people, and those in need. Check out our page (which will be updating throughout the upcoming weeks),
Perky's experience with the yoni pearls was quite interesting. It was a 3 day cleanse, where you insert them into the vagina near the cervix and let them work. Then on day 3 pull them out and watch what comes out. Tips: Eat healthy during this time and drink plenty of water. Have panty liners and a tampon(for insertion if it is not provided), and be prepared for some uncomfortability when it is removed. Perky purchased them to detox but also to help naturally cure a yeast infection issue and BV issue. So far the BV has left and the yeast infection is almost gone. Perky will do another detox, and then continue to do one a month in combination with yoni steams.
To Keep Up with the Conversation Use #Perkyspod. Also like, comment, rate, and share the podcast. And reach out with personal stories, thoughts, or questions.
I would also like to uplift Indie Creative Network a for all of the opportunities they're providing all over the world. Due to ICN I have been able to make this podcast a reality and meet different people. ICN is moving their headquarters to Barbados to continue these services while ensuring more people have a platform to voice their experiences. So visit ICN.DJ to see other podcast and what ICN is doing! Thanks again.
Visit Patreon Campaign:
- As mentioned in the episode, send me photos or @ me in photos of any free feminine hygiene spots, machines, etc!!**
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